Analog AGC Circuitry for a CMOS WLAN


  • Xudong Wang

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Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Using Shapes of Facial Curves Samir, C.; Srivastava, A.; Daoudi, M. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume 28, Issue 11, Date: Nov. 2006, Pages: 18581863 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPAMI.2006.235 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1520 KB) 86. A primer on cryptography in communications Kartalopoulos, S.V. Communications Magazine, IEEE Volume 44, Issue 4, Date: April 2006, Pages: 146151 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2006.1632662 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (502 KB) 87. A cross-layer scheduling algorithm with QoS support in wireless networks Qingwen Liu; Xin Wang; Giannakis, G.B. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Volume 55, Issue 3, Date: May 2006, Pages: 839847 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2006.873832 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (288 KB) 88. Design of Mixed-Voltage I/O Buffer by Using NMOS-Blocking Technique Ker, M.-D.; Chen, S.-L. 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Function approximation using polynomials Ylostalo, J. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Volume 23, Issue 5, Date: Sept. 2006, Pages: 99102 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (166 KB)|Full Text: PDF (166 KB) 99. An Ultra-Low-Power Memory With a Subthreshold Power Supply Voltage Chen, J.; Clark, L.T.; Chen, T.-H. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 41, Issue 10, Date: Oct. 2006, Pages: 23442353 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2006.881549 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1824 KB) 100. Statistical pattern recognition: a review Jain, A.K.; Duin, R.P.W.; Jianchang Mao Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume 22, Issue 1, Date: Jan 2000, Pages: 4-37 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/34.824819 Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1708 KB)

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A single-chip CMOS IF-band converter design for DVB-T receivers

This paper describes a CMOS single chip IF-band converter (IFC) which is applied in the analog front end circuitry of DVB-T receivers. The proposed IFC is composed of a down-conversion mixer, an automatic gain controller (AGC), and an anti-aliasing filter (AAF). The down-conversion mixer uses a current folded-mirror technique which converts a 36 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) input into a 4.5 ...

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A Low-Voltage High-Performance CMOS Feedforward AGC Circuit for Wideband Wireless Receivers

Juan Pablo Alegre et al. 729 Wireless communication systems, such as WLAN or Bluetooth receivers, employ preamble data to estimate the channel characteristics, introducing stringent settling-time constraints. This makes the use of traditional closed-loop feedback automatic gain control (AGC) circuits impractical for these applications. In this paper, a compact feedforward AGC circuit is propose...

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RF Variable-Gain Amplifiers and AGC Loops for Digital TV Receivers

SUMMARY RF Variable Gain Amplifiers (RF-VGA) are important components for integrated TV broadcast receivers. Analog and digital controlled RF-VGAs are compared in terms of linearity and an AGC loop architecture suitable for digitally controlled RF-VGA is proposed. Further linearity enhancement applicable for CMOS implementation is also discussed .

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Analog VLSI arrays for morphological image processing

A two-dimensional analog VLSI array that performs basic morphological image processing operations is presented. The system uses a smart pixel approach that facilitates the parallel computation of continuous real-time outputs. Photodetectors within the array of smart pixels also allow for parallel optical inputs. The processing is performed by current-mode circuitry implemented with CMOS technol...

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A Fast and Accurate Automatic Gain Control for a Wireless Local Area Network Receiver

In this paper we analyze the automatic gain control (AGC) of an IEEE standard 802.11a compliant wireless local area network (WLAN) receiver. We show an efficient method to solve the problem of obtaining accurate and fast power estimates of the input signal for a huge dynamic range. In particular, we use a mixed signal approach, which has the further advantage of low power consumption. With thes...

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A 5th Order Gm-c Filter in 0.25μm Cmos with Digitally Programmable Poles & Zeroes

As digital CMOS processes continue to advance, the size and power consumption of digital circuitry decreases dramatically. At the same time, lower supply voltages make the design of high resolution analog-to-digital converters increasingly difficult. Therefore, there is great motivation to implement some signal processing in the analog domain in order to reduce A/D converter resolution. Analog ...

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تاریخ انتشار 2006